General Aging Resources
Alzheimer’s Association
The Alzheimer’s Association leads the way to end Alzheimer’s and all other dementia — by accelerating global research, driving risk reduction and early detection, and maximizing quality care and support.
Alzheimer’s Foundation of America
The mission of the Alzheimer’s Foundation of America (AFA) is to provide support, services and education to individuals, families and caregivers affected by Alzheimer’s disease and related dementias nationwide, and fund research for better treatment and a cure.
“Ageist Language that Should Change”
Let's disrupt aging. Disrupt Aging AARP is a place to have a new conversation - often funny, sometimes raw, always honest - about how we want to live and age.
Social determinants of health.
Family Caregiver Alliance
For more than 40 years, FCA has provided services to family caregivers of adults with physical and cognitive impairments, such as Parkinson’s, stroke, Alzheimer’s and other types of dementia. Our services include assessment, care planning, direct care skills, wellness programs, respite services, and legal/financial consultation vouchers. Ongoing support is available with FCA CareNav™, also now on a digital service platform. FCA is a longtime advocate for caregivers in the areas of policy, health and social system development, research, and public awareness, on the state, national and international levels.
Legal Aid Services of Minnesota
State Support’s mission is to improve access to justice for all Minnesotans. State Support’s unique role is to provide information, connections, and tools for the public and for advocates, and to support the civil legal aid programs who share our mission.
Minnesota State Demographer’s Office
Megan Dayton’s presentation on rural aging demographics and trends.
MN Leadership Council on Aging
Diversity, Equity, Inclusion – language definitions.
Lists resources for low-cost or free help with your taxes. The AARP Tax-Aide Locator Tool helps you find assistance free of charge.
National Institute on Aging
The Leader in Aging Research, NIA, one of 27 Institutes and Centers of NIH, leads a broad scientific effort to understand the nature of aging and to extend the healthy, active years of life. NIA is the primary Federal agency supporting and conducting Alzheimer’s disease research.
Senior LinkAge Line
A service of the Minnesota Board on Aging in partnership with Minnesota’s area agencies on aging.
“Interactive Life Expectancy by Zip Code” Tool
People living even just a few blocks apart may have different life expectancies. This gap persists across many United States cities, towns, ZIP codes, and neighborhoods. Social determinants of health are conditions in the places where people live, learn, work, and play that affect a wide range of health and quality-of life-risks and outcomes. This resource connects you to CDC resources for SDOH data, research, tools for action, programs, and policy.
Making it Work
“Care, Blackness, and Generational Values”
This article explores the firsthand experience black caregivers continue to face today, with a particular focus on inherited values, challenges, and the women behind this essential yet undervalued work. This article examines how to meaningfully center BIPOC in all aspects of our work to rebuild the care infrastructure and what are practical ways to do this that moves beyond symbolism and representation to real engagement.
Generations ASA
“Centering BIPOC Voices Is the Only Way to Overhaul Our Care Infrastructure”
St. Louis County
“SLC Health Status Report” PDF
United States Census Bureau
“From Pyramid to Pillar: A Century of Change, Population of the U.S.”
Population Reference Bureau
“Aging In the United States” PDF
MN Leadership Council on Aging
MNLCOA 2022 Equity Calendar
“2020 Profile of Older Americans”
Publication Date – May 2021
Book: Aging and Diversity
“Aging and Diversity: An Active Learning Experience 3rd Edition”
By Chandra Mehrotra Ph.D. (Author), Lisa Smith Wagner (Author)
Book: Aging, Diversity and Equality
“Ageing, Diversity and Equality: Social Justice Perspectives (Routledge Advances in Sociology)”
Edited by Sue Westwood
Current understandings of ageing and diversity are under-considered with regards to thinking about what inequalities operate in later life, thinking about the ‘who’ of inequality, so far limited to a very narrow range of minority populations, and finally when considering the under-developed ‘how’ of inequality, social gerontology’s theoretical analyses remain under-developed. The result of this is social gerontology remains deeply embedded in normative assumptions excluding a wide range of older people. Ageing, Diversity and Equality challenges this normativity and offers an alternative approach that highlights the heterogeneity and diversity of ageing.
Book: Family Caregiving
“Family Caregiving in the New Normal”
Edited by Joseph E. Gaugler and Robert L. Kane
Family Caregiving in the New Normal discusses how the drastic economic changes that have occurred over the past few years have precipitated a new conversation on how family care for older adults will evolve in the future. Scientists, policymakers, and clinical providers must address challenges and potential solutions, as they focus on impacts to how family caregiving is organized and addressed, including sociodemographic trends like divorce, increased participation of women in the workforce, geographic mobility, fewer children in post-baby boom families, chronic illness trends, economic stressors, and the current policy environment.
Chandra Mehrotra and Lisa Wagner address key topics in diversity and aging, discussing how the aging experience is affected by not only race and ethnicity but also gender, religious affiliation, social class, rural-urban community location, and sexual orientation and gender identity.
United States Census Bureau
“An Aging Nation – Projected Number of Children and Older Adults” PDF
Generations United
We believe in a world that values and engages all generations.
Generations United
“Making the Case for Intergenerational Programs Publication” PDF
Generations United
“Intergenerational Programs Benefit Everyone Fact Sheet” PDF